If the countless options of Brisbane wedding videographers confuse you, you can ask our wedding coordinator to suggest the right packages for you. We compile some questions that might help you with choosing wedding videographers in Brisbane:
Is it a candid video or will they ask you to pose?
Whether you prefer a candid video or a posing video, it will depend on your taste. Some wedding videographers combines both and could create beautiful videos.
Will I get the high-definition video?
You will get the high-definition video, for sure, but the length might vary.
How long should we wait to get the edited video?
The editing process might need a week or two. Ask the wedding videographers their commitment on this.
Will I have to wear a microphone?
Mostly, the microphones will be worn by the groom and the celebrant.
Can I choose the music?
Most wedding videographers can work on your preferred genre, but they have their licensed music for the video. The license will secure the videos from being taken down from some online video platforms.
How can I secure my date?
Once you agree on the date with the videographers, you can pay some deposits based on the agreement.
How is the cancellation policy?
In case something changes and you need to cancel the videographers, you already know the policy in advance.