To save you hours and days researching the videographers, we have selected some wedding videographers in Sydney who have years of experience in capturing weddings. Our Sydney wedding videographers will do extra miles to create your best moments. With their expertise and commitment, your wedding will be worth to remember. If the choices confuse you, here are some questions to ask your wedding videographers.
Is it a candid video or will they ask you to pose?
It will depend on you, but most wedding videographers prefer candid video to capture the real emotion.
Will I get the high-definition video?
Most videographers already include high-definition video in the service, but the length might vary.
How long should we wait to get the edited video?
It will be better to ask the commitment of wedding videographers for the finished video. The editing stage might need a week or two.
Will I have to wear a microphone?
The microphones are mostly worn by the groom and celebrants.
Can I choose the music?
Most videographers will prefer to use licensed music on their list. They might be able to work on your preferred genre. The license will prevent the video from being taken down from the online video platform due to music copyright violation.
How can I secure my date?
To lock the wedding videographers on your day, they will request some down payment.
How is the cancellation policy?
Cancellation fee might vary between one to another videographer. But it is better to ask the question in advance in case there is an urgent matter that requires you to reschedule the wedding.